Nyhavna is to be an international spearhead in ocean space technology

Nyhavna is to be an international spearhead in ocean space technology

"Nyhavna aims to be an international frontrunner in ocean space technology," says Michelle S. Wright, head of the Department for Industry and Community Development in Trondheim Municipality.

Strategisk forum Nyhavna Foto Lars Bugge Aarset FI - Fremtidens Industri (7)

Michelle S. Wright at Department for Industry and Community Development in Trondheim Municipality. Photo: Lars Bugge Aarset

On Friday march 8, the Strategic Forum Nyhavna and Trondheim Port gathered various stakeholders for a seminar on what it takes to further develop Norway's ocean space technology capital in Nyhavna in collaboration with the city and property developers.

Strategisk forum Nyhavna Foto Lars Bugge Aarset FI - Fremtidens Industri (14)"Modern industry fits well into a modern urban environment," says architect and professor Steffen Wellinger from NTNU.

Among the speakers were Mayor Kent Ranum, Ragnar Eggen from the Strategic Forum Nyhavna, Michelle S. Wright and Kristian Dahlberg Hauge from Trondheim Municipality, Knut Thomas Kusslid from Trondheim Port, Birgitte Strøm Kahrs and Erik Erlien from Nyhavna Development AS, Dag Haugdal from Bane NOR Eiendom, Kristian Hogstad Lund from Dora Eiendom, Steffen Wellinger and Geir Brendeland from the Department of Architecture and Planning at NTNU, and Åshild Adsen from the Science Center in Trondheim.

Strategisk forum Nyhavna Foto Lars Bugge Aarset FI - Fremtidens Industri (17)Åshild Adsen, Science Center in Trondheim. Photo: Lars Bugge Aarset/

Strategisk forum Nyhavna Foto Lars Bugge Aarset FI - Fremtidens Industri (18)

Photo: Lars Bugge Aarset

Strategisk forum Nyhavna Foto Lars Bugge Aarset FI - Fremtidens Industri (20)Ragnar Eggen, Clean Sea Solutions Photo: Lars Bugge Aarset

Strategisk forum Nyhavna Foto Lars Bugge Aarset FI - Fremtidens Industri (16)Architect and professor Geir Brendeland, NTNU. Photo: Lars Bugge Aarset

Strategisk forum Nyhavna Foto Lars Bugge Aarset FI - Fremtidens Industri (15)Architect and professor Steffen Wellinger, NTNU. Photo: Lars Bugge Aarset

Strategisk forum Nyhavna Foto Lars Bugge Aarset FI - Fremtidens Industri (9)Port Director Knut Thomas Kusslid at Trondheim Port. Photo: Lars Bugge Aarset

Strategisk forum Nyhavna Foto Lars Bugge Aarset FI - Fremtidens Industri (6)Kristian Dahlberg Hauge and Michelle S. Wright in Trondheim Municipality. Photo: Lars Bugge Aarset

Strategisk forum Nyhavna Foto Lars Bugge Aarset FI - Fremtidens Industri (13)Dag Haugdal, project manager at Bane NOR Eiendom. Photo: Lars Bugge Aarset

Strategisk forum Nyhavna Foto Lars Bugge Aarset FI - Fremtidens Industri (10)Erik Erlien, Managing Director of Nyhavna Development. Photo: Lars Bugge Aarset

Strategisk forum Nyhavna Foto Lars Bugge Aarset FI - Fremtidens Industri (12)Kristian Hogstad Lund, Development Director at Dora Eiendom. Photo: Lars Bugge Aarset

How will Nyhavna become Norway's Silicon Harbor?

March 18 is the deadline for public feedback on Trondheim Municipality's proposal for the Business Program for Nyhavna.

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