Les saken på norsk Ocean Autonomy Cluster welcomes Poseidon Simulation as a new member company. Established in Lofoten in 1988, Poseidon was the first in the world to develop radar simulators and has since provided simulator solutions for maritime education globally. A global leader in maritime training The company delivers navigation and radio simulators to educational institutions, universities, and high schools in Norway, as well as to international training programs, including in Ghana and the Philippines. With a sales office in Manila, the world's largest exporter of seafarers, Poseidon plays a key role in training the maritime workforce of the future. - The Philippines is our largest market, where we have a market share of 70–80% among maritime education institutions that are our customers in navigation, GMDSS, and/or engine room simulation, says Ragnhild Kvisberglien Pedersen, CEO of Poseidon. While Norway educates 500 officers annually, the Philippines graduates around 30,000 seafarers each year. - Our main target group today is the education sector, but we see great potential for our simulators in testing, research, simulation, and product development. Ocean Autonomy Cluster has many exciting member companies that could be relevant collaboration partners. We see several potential synergies within the cluster, Ragnhild Kvisberglien Pedersen says. Poseidon's latest delivery is a complete 1+10 Pharos GMDSS simulator system for the Regional Maritime University in Ghana. The setup includes MF/HF and VHF radios at all 10 student stations, providing students with hands-on training in modern maritime communication. - Two of our specialists will travel to Ghana in April to oversee the installation and ensure everything is up and running. We have had a long-standing relationship with Regional Maritime University, having supplied equipment and solutions to them since the early 2000s, Ragnhild Kvisberglien Pedersen says. Poseidon's new Borealis Portable Console. Photo: poseidon Expanding into autonomy and remote operations Poseidon's simulators are certified for maritime education and their navigational simulator can be adapted to various conditions, including waves, weather, wind, and currents. - We need to further develop within autonomy and remote operations. The development in this area is progressing rapidly, and we believe that our membership in Ocean Autonomy Cluster will provide opportunities for collaboration with a range of relevant companies, says Henning Pedersen Kvisberglien, Head of Development at Poseidon. The company has also launched a pilot project for customizing e-learning for Philippine maritime institutions in collaboration with Blått Kompetansesenter Nord on Senja. Henning Pedersen Kvisberglien and Ragnhild Kvisberglien Pedersen from Poseidon together with Yngvild Furunes in Ocean Autonomy Cluster. Photo: Lars Bugge Aarset/Ocean Autonomy Cluster Poseidon has delivered maritime simulators to more than 270 customers in over 60 countries, including the defense sector in multiple nations. Poseidon also supplies maritime simulators to the defense sector in multiple countries. The company is located in maritime surroundings in the World War II German submarine bunker Dora at Nyhavna in Trondheim, and are now looking for larger premises to accommodate its growth. - We look forward to integrate Poseidon into the cluster’s work on the development of autonomous and remote-controlled maritime solutions, says Yngvild Furunes and Frode Halvorsen in Ocean Autonomy Cluster. Borealis Navigation Simulator. Photo: Poseidon Simulation Do you want to know more? Contact Ragnhild Kvisberglien Pedersen, CEO Poseidon Simulation rkp@poseidon.no poseidon.no