Ocean Access: Pioneering Ocean Buoys for Streamlined Data Collection

Ocean Access: Pioneering Ocean Buoys for Streamlined Data Collection

Former master's students at NTNU's Entrepreneurship School, Andreas Mauritzen and Fredrik Lilleøkdal, have in a couple of years gone from an idea to an ambitious entrepreneurial venture.

The company Ocean Access is at the forefront when it comes to the development of innovative ocean buoys and has created a submersible data buoy that can operate both underwater and on the sea surface. This technology aims to streamline and scale data collection in the ocean.

Ocean Access is currently a team of 10 people and moved into premises on Nyhavna last year, where they have access to both office and workshop facilities, with a short distance to the quayside and Trondheimsfjorden.

Now, Ocean Access has become a member company of the FI Ocean Space Incubator. The incubator program provides access and connections to expertise, capital, and networks. In the work of developing and commercializing the communication buoy, the incubator can contribute valuable services.

"So far, we have had several good sparring sessions through the incubator on various aspects of the company, where they have also brought in external experts in the field. We have also received good help in producing marketing material for a trade show and technology demonstration we participated in October", says Andreas Mauritzen.
The company is excited to see which other businesses will join the Ocean Space Incubator as the incubator can become a new hub for facilitating new projects and collaborations.

"Connecting ourselves to the ocean technology community on Nyhavna has been very beneficial for us. In addition to having proximity to excellent testing facilities, the cluster here has provided new collaboration opportunities and access to professional expertise through the other member companies." However, he points out that the industry in Trondheim has even more potential for collaboration.

"It is incredibly exciting ocean technology being developed here in Trondheim, and much that complements each other. Everything from sensors and communication to buoys, autonomous boats, and underwater drones. I believe there are enormous opportunities in even closer collaboration between these companies."

Ingrid-Margrethe-Sandnes-1024x683"Ocean Access has had an impressive development! They have a dedicated and competent team that is now positioning themselves as a highly promising player in the industry. We are pleased to have them in the incubator and look forward to following their progress. At the same time, we encourage other companies working in the maritime and energy sectors to explore the opportunities available here at Nyhavna", says Ingrid Margrethe Sandnes, who is the manager for FI Ocean Space Incubator.

Matin Kroatia Foto Lars Bugge Aarset (1)The Ocean Access office was packed when FI (Fremtidens Industri) and the Ocean Autonomy Cluster brought a delegation from Croatia in connection with the establishment of the Croatia Norway Marine Technology Innovation Network. Here, Fredrik Lilleøkdal presented the company and the projects that Ocean Access is working on. Photo: Lars Bugge Aarset/Future Innovation

Matin Kroatia Foto Lars Bugge Aarset (21)Simen Helgesen presents Ocean Access' flagship "The Submersible Bouy." Photo: Lars Bugge Aarset/Future Innovation.

Do you want to know more? Contact:

Andreas Mauritzen
CEO and Co-Founder, Ocean Access
+47 942 57 323

Ingrid Margrethe Sandnes
Manager, FI Ocean Space Incubator
+47 936 15 103


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