Innovation company Inventas becomes member of Ocean Autonomy Cluster

Innovation company Inventas becomes member of Ocean Autonomy Cluster

Article in Norwegian

We are happy to announce that Inventas now becomes member of Ocean Autonomy Cluster.

Inventas is one of Norway's largest service providers within product development and innovation. The innovation company is now joining the Ocean Autonomy Cluster business cluster.

"One of our largest market segments and areas of focus is the maritime sector. We have a desire to increase our expertise, and we believe this happens best through collaboration with companies in the industry," says Mads Martinussen, sales manager for the Mid region at Inventas.
"OAC is a meeting place that provides an opportunity to expand our network and a platform to discuss current and future issues," he says.
Merdslippen Inventas
Inventas is an independent consulting company with strong expertise in all facets of modern product development. The company was founded in 1997 and today has over 160 engineers and designers. The operational activities take place in six regional departments: Trondheim, Molde, Oslo, Asker, Stavanger, Bergen, and Kristiansand. The company is employee-owned.

Mads Martinussen InventasMads Martinussen, Inventas

"We see that OAC is a cluster in the region capable of achieving good and exciting projects within the maritime sector with a focus on autonomy. As strong contributors to the establishment of, among other things, Testination and Midas, they have shown the ability to bring academia and industry together effectively in the region. Therefore, it was easy for Inventas to join to be part of this development," says Martinussen.

Inventas is nationwide and has been developing products and solving problems for its customers for almost 30 years.
"Therefore, we believe that we can be an important contributor to several of the projects in the cluster and possess much of the expertise and tools required," he says.

Frode Halvorsen Ocean Autonomy Cluster Foto Lars Bugge Aarset (8)Frode Halvorsen, manager Ocean Autonomy Cluster. Photo Lars Bugge Aarset/Fremtidens Industri

"Inventas has extensive experience within the maritime domain. They enhance the cluster's capacity for innovation and design, and already collaborate closely with several of our member companies," says cluster manager Frode Halvorsen.

"By combining strong professionals and creative innovators in our own development framework, we create unique solutions. This makes our customers better and more profitable. Inventas stands at the intersection of science and art, between engineers' precision and designers' vision. We call it 'engineering art.' We bring this with us into OAC with a desire to contribute for the benefit of the cluster and its members," says Martinussen.

Inventas Eelume-1Inventas has contributed with design work for the snake robot Eelume.

Interested in knowing more? Contact

Mads Martinussen
Salgsleder, Inventas Region Midt
Telefon 90 16 34 73

Frode Halvorsen
Manager, Ocean Autonomy Cluster
+47 918 45 969


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