CDIO Academy Case Challenge

CDIO Academy Case Challenge

This year Ocean Autonomy Cluster has been responsible for the task given to the CDIO Academy Case Challenge.

3 groups of students from universities in Singapore, Vietnam, Finland, and the UK have been working on assignments for autonomous ships. And today, the three groups presented their solutions at NTNU. These solutions ranged from unmanned daughter vessels controlled by a manned mother vessel to uncrewed vessels as chargers for electric ships to unmanned sea drones that can be deployed from cargo ships to collect oil spills.

This case challenge put students from different universities and disciplines into groups to solve real-life challenges and shows the importance of bringing together different backgrounds and disciplines when complex tasks should be solved.

Ocean Autonomy Cluster has been involved in this work as a part of the MIDAS project, and we would like to bring experiences from this work into new student projects, especially those we will organize locally in the coming year.

And yes, the students solved their tasks with great results, and we are wishing them all luck with their studies and work in the future. 

What is the CDIO Academy?
The CDIO Academy is an opportunity for engineering students that are active at CDIO institutions to work on design-implement projects, team up with their peers from engineering programmes around the world across disciplines and cultures and learn from prominent leaders in engineering education. The CDIO Academy and Innovation Challenge focuses primarily on the engineering innovation aspects of the CDIO Concept: Conceiving, Designing, Implementing, and Operating systems in the enterprise, societal and environmental context — and the innovation process.
What is the MIDAS-project?
The MIDAS capacity initiative - 'humans in future maritime operations' - addresses the role of humans in connection with tasks at sea where autonomy and automation are given an ever-increasing place. The project comprises partners and representatives in technology, design, and business development from academia, the research environment, and business.


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