Medlemsmøte med PST og Forsvarsdepartementet
(Arrangement held in Norwegian)
At the member meeting of the Ocean Autonomy Cluster MIDSEC, analyst Per Marius Frost-Nielsen and business liaison Terje Lunde from the Police Security Service (PST) informed about their work and the various threats against Norwegian and Trøndelag-based businesses. The altered security situation has led to an increase in the threat level.
It's important for companies to assess their own vulnerability and what measures they need to implement to protect their assets, says Frost-Nielsen. He recommends companies to be both vigilant and proactive. The most important security work is what the companies themselves must do. Many businesses possess assets, knowledge, and information that are of great interest to foreign states, and PST gladly invites companies to a dialogue about the security situation.
Senior Adviser Martin Blom from the Ministry of Defence informed about the long-term plan for the Defence, and what the significant investments that are forthcoming could entail in terms of opportunities for the business sector.
The meeting was conducted in collaboration with MIDSEC Defence and Security Cluster.
Analyst Per Marius Frost-Nielsen, PST. Photo: Lars Bugge Aarset/Ocean Autonomy Cluster
Photo: Lars Bugge Aarset/Ocean Autonomy Cluster
Senior Adviser Martin Blom from the Ministry of Defence. Photo: Lars Bugge Aarset/Ocean Autonomy Cluster.
Photo: Lars Bugge Aarset/Ocean Autonomy Cluster
(Arrangement held in Norwegian)
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