Aviant joins the cluster!
We welcome Aviant to the Ocean Autonomy Cluster! Aviant is an innovative drone service company that...
On October 25th and 26th, Vitensenteret in Trondheim is organizing Dronefest at Dora.
The purpose is to share knowledge about new technology and the joy of science, as well as to demonstrate various applications and possibilities that drones offer.
Friday, October 25th, there will be an event for students aged 13-19. Saturday, October 26th, there will be an open event for everyone.
Through booths and activities, we invite the public to explore and learn about different drones.
Last week, Åshild Adsen and several members of the organizing committee visited and planned at the facilities of OceanTech Innovation AS and Trondheim Havn IKS in the submarine bunker at Dora.
"We look forward to exciting technology visits in Dora II and lots of curious visitors," says Bernt Schjetne, CEO of Oceantech Innovation.
Preliminary participants at Dronefest include Equinor, Ocean Access, Vortex NTNU, Drone Show Europe, OceanTech Innovation AS, TRV, ScoutDI, Trondheim Eiendom, Blueye Robotics, Njord, Ocean Autonomy Cluster, and Vitensenteret i Trondheim.
We welcome Aviant to the Ocean Autonomy Cluster! Aviant is an innovative drone service company that...
Scout Drone Inspection is a spin-out of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)...