Breach VR: Reality is cross-platform

Breach VR: Reality is cross-platform

Extended Reality technologies (XR) allows users to be immersed into a virtual world, or merging the virtual world and the real world into one immersive experience.

Breach VR, headquartered in Norway’s tech capital Trondheim, is working with the latest technology within Extended Reality technologies (XR); Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR). Leveraging these technologies, Breach VR is able to bring virtual objects into the physical world and vice versa.

The adventure started 3,5 years ago when Marius Thorvaldsen (CEO) and two old friends met in Trondheim. The three co-founders started the company at Work-Work, building the foundation of Breach VR and planning the future. The bold business plan was to acquire substantial projects and generate revenue from day one.

Over the last two years the company has grown substantially. Today, 13 employees are working full time in addition to the founders, with six more joining the team after the summer.

Due to the rapid growth of the company, they have experienced some of the challenges growing from start-up to scale-up. However, the team has seen this as an exciting task to overcome. The expansion has led to the need for relocation to larger offices in Fjordgata, where the employees have more space to meet clients and work on their activities.

Breach Reality Shared-VR-Experiences

Vi gledet oss til å la spillere oppleve fantastiske eventyr sammen i VR tidligere i vår. Dessverre ble Covid et hinder for dette.Vi er i dag meget glad for å annonsere at vi allerede videreutvikler våre løsninger for samlokaliserte VR simuleringer med støtte og tillitt fra nye investorer, Innovasjon Norge Trøndelag og Ocean Autonomy Cluster.Vi gleder oss til å ta dere med inn i VR, snart. Enn så lenge lar vi denne snutten være en smakebit på noe av det som kommer.God sommer

Posted by Breach Reality on Thursday, July 2, 2020
A preview of one of the projects Breach VR is working on, related to interactive collaborations.

Together with the team, Marius has worked on a broad range of exciting projects. They have built up a considerable portfolio which consist of internal research projects funded by Innovation Norway and the Norwegian Research Council, and external projects with international clients.

– We have been working with Facebook, more specifically with Oculus who produces VR headsets, for some years now on several projects. Lately we have also started to develop games, and we have three VR games who will be released during 2021. As you can see, we have a wide range, from heavy research projects to more light-hearted entertainment, says Thorvaldsen.

– For Breach VR, it is essential to be a company that enables designers and developers to work on innovative and exciting projects related to the future of XR. One of our main focuses going forward is learning, so it is important for us that our colleagues can rotate between different projects to share experience and learn from each other, explains Thorvaldsen..

Breach VR, in collaboration with NTNU Social Research, virtually sent Norwegian prime minister Erna Solbarg into outer space during the government’s tech summit in Trondheim, 2018.

In addition to being a thriving company, Breach VR is also the newest member of the Ocean Autonomy Cluster (OAC).

– I think it’s super positive to be a part of the cluster. It’s really exciting to see all the work that is evolving around autonomy here in Trondheim. In Breach VR we believe that the industrial applications for the technologies we are working on is massive, and it’s great to have OAC enlighten, coordinate and elevate the focus on all of the exciting projects in the Trondheim region. We are on the brink of Industry 4.0 and the potential for our region to play a big part in this revolution is massive, says Thorvaldsen.

The summer is closing in on Trondheim and many are ready to take a well-earned summer vacation. However, Thorvaldsen has other plans. He is looking forward to installing more office desks and equipment to make sure everything is ready for new team members arriving after the summer.

– We are also really excited to be starting a innovation project backed by Innovation Norway right after the summer. We believe this project will have a big impact for the members of OAC. We’re looking forward to tell more about it later this fall, explains Thorvaldsen.

We wish Breach VR a great summer and all the best with new projects! Want to know more about them? Follow them on Facebook and visit their web page.

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