Our extensive network of members extends from scaleups, startups, larger companies, investors, and R&D institutions within a broad scope of industries within shipping, software, electronics and cybernetics.
ACUA Ocean design, develop and deploy
hydrogen-powered maritime autonomous
surface ship as an offshore IoT data platform.
Computas is a Nordic provider of IT solutions
and consulting services in technological
innovation. We deliver value-adding solutions
for the public benefit to both public and private
Navier USN, a student group at the University of South-Eastern Norway developing autonomous vessels.
Riktig sensor, til riktig sted, til riktig tid. Nordic USV leverer data fra 0 til 500 meters dybde. Vi kan hjelpe deg med flere typer oppdrag:
Oksygen i gyteområder
Algeoppblomstringer og miljøovervåkning
Partikkelsporing og vannkvalitet
NORBIT is a global provider of tailored technology to carefully selected niches.
Pamela Solutions - F & Z Solutions provides accessible robotic solutions for environmental monitoring, research and education.
Floating Solar Power - Designed For
The Global Ocean Space.
Would you like to be part of our extensive network? Send us a message; we'd love to hear from you!