
Njord - The Autonomous Ship Challenge 2024 has started

Written by Lars Bugge Aarset | Aug 13, 2024 6:23:54 PM

Njord - Autonomous Ship Challenge 2024 is now going on at HAVET in Trondheim. Seven teams from six countries competes in manouvering, navigation, collision avoidance and docking.  

This years teams are: AGH Solar Boat Team from Poland, Técnico Solar Boat from Portugal, Strathclyde Marine Robotics Society - Strath Voyager from Scotland, Aritra IITM, from India, Iceberg ASV from Canada plus Vortex NTNU and Navier USN from Norway.

Njord is a unique International student competition, where students design systems to control autonomous ships and compete against other student teams.

The competition is held by and for students, and the goal is to raise awareness around automation, innovation and smart solutions, as well as creating a platform for personal development and networking.

Competittion days are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Wednesday is company day.

Autonomous Ship Challenge 2024 is arranged by Njord NTNU in cooperation with Kongsberg Gruppen, Klaveness Maritime Agency, Inc., ABB, Gard, Norbit Subsea, SFI Autoship, Senti Systems, MathWorks, DNV, Sjøfartsdirektoratet, Torghatten, Marin teknikk NTNU, NTNU Teknologi og naturvitenskap and MT - Marine Technologies.

Photos by: Lars Bugge Aarset / Ocean Autonomy Cluster